Oliver Construction sponsors the 2023 Valley Forge Revolutionary 5-Mile Run

Building Stronger Communities: The Importance of Local Business Community Involvement

At Oliver Construction, we recognize the importance of giving back to the communities that have supported us throughout our 25-year history in the design-build construction business. Led by our CEO John Tahtabrounian, OCI is not just about designing and constructing buildings, we are also about building bridges of connection and support within the local community. For us, community involvement and sponsorship are not just corporate buzzwords, but fundamental values that guide our business practices everyday.

Our sponsorship of the 2023 Valley Forge Revolutionary 5-Mile Run is an opportunity for us to not only give back to our community, but to support a cause that aligns with our values and mission. The 3,500 acre Valley Forge National Historical Park offers 35 miles of trails, monuments and meadows, and sees over 2 million visitors per year. As a proud Platinum Sponsor, OCI is not only contributing to the preservation of local history but also helping to fund the park’s maintenance and improvement projects to enhance the visitor experience.

And, this popular event continues to grow every year! This year’s event saw over 1,200 participants – runners and walkers – representing 22 different US states and 2 counties, the event’s widest reach in its history! Organized by the Valley Forge Tourism & Convention Board annually, the event was sold out early. And, since debuting in 2006, the Rev Run has raised approximately $550,000 for Valley Forge National Park’s infrastructure improvement projects and programming – and we are extremely proud to contribute to these improvements.

“At Oliver Construction, we are committed to supporting and enhancing our community in every way possible,” stated John Tahtabrounian, President of Oliver Construction, Inc. “We are proud to be a sponsor of this year’s Revolutionary Run and to support the preservation and enhancement of Valley Forge National Park– our local national treasure. By investing in this important mission, we are not only preserving and honoring our history, but ensuring that visitors continue to learn about the sacrifices made by those that came before us.”

Our sponsorship of this event also provides us with the opportunity to connect with our community on a personal level. By engaging with our community, we are able to build stronger relationships and create a positive impact on the lives of those around us. This is just one example of the importance of community involvement and sponsorship for all businesses. It is a reminder that businesses have a social responsibility to give back to the communities they serve. Sponsoring events such as this can have a positive impact on the company’s image and reputation. But most importantly, by associating your business with events that have a positive impact on the community, you are demonstrating your commitment to the community and your willingness to invest in its future. When businesses actively engage with their local communities, they strengthen their ties and create a positive ripple effect that builds stronger communities.


When it comes to deciding on what to sponsor as a business, it’s important to approach it strategically and thoughtfully. Here are some steps to consider:

  1. Define your business’s values and goals: Before you start sponsoring any event or cause, it’s essential to have a clear understanding of your business’s values and goals. What do you stand for? What are your business’s core values and mission? What are your short-term and long-term business goals? Understanding these factors will help you align your sponsorship efforts with your business’s overall vision and purpose.
  2. Identify your target audience: Consider who your target audience is and what matters to them. What causes or events are relevant to your target audience? Understanding your target audience’s interests, preferences, and needs will help you choose sponsorship opportunities that resonate with them and create a meaningful connection.
  3. Research and evaluate sponsorship opportunities: Once you have a clear understanding of your values, goals, and target audience, conduct thorough research to identify potential sponsorship opportunities. Look for events, causes, or organizations that align with your business’s values and goals. Evaluate the potential impact and reach of the sponsorship opportunity, including the size and demographics of the audience, the visibility and exposure your business will receive, and the potential for positive brand association.
  4. Consider your budget: Sponsorship can involve financial resources, so it’s crucial to consider your budget when deciding what to sponsor. Determine how much you can realistically allocate towards sponsorship efforts without compromising your business’s financial stability. Remember to account for not only the sponsorship fee but also any additional costs such as marketing materials or employee time.
  5. Establish clear objectives: Before committing to any sponsorship opportunity, establish clear objectives that you want to achieve. What do you hope to accomplish through the sponsorship? Whether it’s brand awareness, customer engagement, community involvement, or other specific goals, setting clear objectives will help you measure the success of your sponsorship efforts.
  6. Assess the potential return on investment (ROI): Sponsorship should be seen as an investment, and it’s essential to assess the potential return on investment. Consider the benefits and opportunities that the sponsorship can bring to your business, such as increased brand visibility, customer loyalty, and potential business leads. Evaluate the potential impact of the sponsorship on your bottom line and weigh it against the costs.
  7. Build meaningful partnerships: Sponsorship is not just about financial support; it’s about building meaningful partnerships. Look for opportunities to collaborate and engage with the event organizers, cause organizers, or other sponsors. Building authentic relationships can enhance the value of your sponsorship and create long-term partnerships that can benefit your business beyond the event or campaign.
  8. Measure and evaluate the results: After the sponsorship, it’s crucial to measure and evaluate the results against the objectives you set. Did you achieve your intended goals? What worked well, and what could be improved? Use data and feedback to assess the success of your sponsorship efforts and make informed decisions for future sponsorships.

By following these steps and being strategic in your approach, you can make informed decisions about what to sponsor as a business and maximize the impact of your sponsorship efforts. Remember that community involvement and sponsorship should align with your business’s values, goals, and target audience, and should be seen as a genuine commitment to making a positive impact rather than just a marketing tactic. When done right, sponsorship can be a win-win for both your business and the community or cause you support.